Welcome to C&J @ Animalia

March 2023: Inspire, conspire, and manifest together!

Do you desire 105°F days replete with cold Gatorade, fresh watermelon from the kitchen, and Spicy Bloody Marys flowing in the Man Cave? Do you miss warm miso by the open fire on a starry night, skimming every hottie entering the Afterglow? Do you remember all the hugs by the dusty gusts of Playa’s Spirit whispering in the sunrise while you and your Playa-lover(s) ride the explosive waves of death and birth of the Universe? The melody of the Playa is calling…

Gifting C&J to Playa while coexisting with the natural elements is an exciting communal endeavor, full of possibilities for growing self-reliance; an adventure almost as elaborate as the dance of the blue manakin (check it out. It’s a real thing). But the important thing is the choreography; and that we dance synchronously as a community to the drumbeat of the Playa song.

We're looking for masters of essential skills, bearers of esoteric knowledge, and alchemists who can transform dust into neon. If you want to inspire, conspire, and manifest our Animalia dream together, reach out to us! We need your tassels, fringes, laces, leather, latex, neon, feathers, glitters, silks, polyesters, or buttons to make our camp shine.

We energize with good intentions. We further with our skills. We nurture with our (com)passion. We use our wits and wisdom to rise from last year’s man’s ashes and create magic through the ecstatic dance of colors, a dance in which we orgasmically burn and eventually leave no trace as if nothing has happened… Except, we know it happened because our hearts are filled with the beautiful memories of our joint reality overflowing like a tidal wave and exponentially changing the default world for the better; one soul at a time! Let that be our communal effort and civil responsibility!

But, let’s not forget to have fun and participate in our main decommodifying fundraising events: Touch, Afterglow, and Playa in the Grove. Without the volunteering help of all of us, much less of our flamboyancy would be possible on Playa! These events are immediate portals into C&J’s dreams and an opportunity to learn all the secrets of transforming the black hole into a neon Big Bang while building up our communal stamina for the BRC endeavor.

Finally, let's embrace the moments when someone othered us; when you could not be you, and weave these powerful emotions into our beautiful community that radically includes, creates, transforms, learns, and is not afraid of mistakes. Let’s walk our Waking dreams and bring Animalia to life! Channel your inner power animal and participate! We are not flocks of cocks or flamingos, herds of sheep or pink mammoths, or individual flying unicorns, bears, jaguars, and wolves, we are the fucking zoo on Playa! Let’s unite our animal rawness with Gaia’s merciless love for ever-growing humans! Let each of us gift a bit of unique self-expression, craft, and love for the difference, glittered with just enough sass to lube the village of Comfort & Joy!

On behalf of Madam's Den, I send you dusty hugs filled with love and a gift!

Yours — Ruby )'(